Hi friends in this monthly blog we want to take you with us and explain why we choose to be active in Congo in the first place with our empowerment program.
As you might know 10% of the sale’s profit is currently used to make education more accessible in the Kivu region in Congo. The money is being used to provide goods that will increase the students their learning opportunities and will be used in the near future as well to build school facilities.
So far, we have been able to provide 250 solar powered led lamps, 75 sport tees, 50 footballs, 3 water filters and been able to provide 250 children with a school uniform, all free of charge.
But why exactly are we operating in the Kivu region in Congo? This is the question that we will answer in today’s blog.
According to the world bank the DRC is among the five poorest nations in the world. In 2021, nearly 64 % of Congolese, just under 60 million people, lived on less than $2.15 a day. Add to that the instability from years of wars and political upheaval and you have a real unfortunate situation.
We believe that education is one of the best ways to get people out of the vicious cycle of violence, corruption and poverty. That’s why we try to make it more accessible. As Nelson Mandela said: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.
The main reason why we started in Congo with our empowerment program is convenience. Our empowerment program doesn’t rely on other organizations but does everything itself, knowing people that live on the spot is there for essential.
Since my brother and I are both 1/4 Congolese we still know a lot of people there, we thought it would be easier to try to make an impact in a place that you already have a link with and know people. On top of that we understand the local practices and culture.
There are many countries in the world that have a similar situation as in Congo. Our goal is to expand our empowerment program to other places that could also use our help.