What to Do If Your Power Bank is Not Charging Properly


A power bank that is not charging properly can be frustrating, especially when you need it the most. However, before you toss it away, there are some simple troubleshooting steps you can take to fix the issue. In this article, we will discuss various solutions that can help you resolve the problem. 

Check the USB Cable 

One of the most common reasons why a power bank is not charging properly is due to a faulty USB cable. Check the USB cable for any visible signs of damage or wear and tear. Try a different USB cable to see if the power bank charges properly. If it does, then the issue is with the USB cable, and you should replace it. 

Check the Power Bank's Capacity 

Another reason why a power bank is not charging properly could be due to its capacity. If the power bank's capacity is too low, it may not be able to charge your device fully. Check the power bank's capacity and ensure that it is sufficient to charge your device. 

Check the Power Bank's Ports 

Check the power bank's ports for any visible signs of damage or wear and tear. If the ports are damaged, then the power bank may not charge properly. Try a different port to see if the power bank charges properly. If it does, then the issue is with the port, and you should replace the power bank. 

Check the Power Bank's Temperature 

If your power bank is not charging properly, it could be due to the temperature. Power banks are designed to operate within a specific temperature range, and if it is too hot or too cold, it may not charge properly. Try charging the power bank in a cooler environment and see if it charges properly. 

Check the Power Bank's Compatibility 

Check the compatibility of your power bank with your device. Some power banks may not be compatible with certain devices, and this could result in charging issues. Ensure that your device is compatible with your power bank. 

Check the Charging Source 

If your power bank is not charging properly, it could be due to the charging source. Ensure that the charging source is working correctly and that the power output is sufficient to charge the power bank. 

Check for Dust and Debris 

Dust and debris can accumulate in the power bank's ports, which could prevent it from charging properly. Use a can of compressed air to blow out any dust or debris that may be present. 

Check the Power Bank's LED Indicators 

Most power banks have LED indicators that show the charging status. Check the LED indicators to see if they are working correctly. If they are not, then the issue could be with the power bank's battery health. 

Check the Power Bank's Battery Health 

The battery health of a power bank can affect its charging performance. Check the battery health of your power bank and see if it needs to be replaced. You can use a battery health monitoring app to check the health of your power bank's battery. 

Reboot the Power Bank 

Sometimes, simply rebooting the power bank can resolve charging issues. Turn off the power bank and wait for a few minutes before turning it back on. This may help the power bank recalibrate and charge properly. 

Reset the Power Bank 

Resetting the power bank to its default settings can also resolve charging issues. Look for a small reset button on the power bank and press it with a paperclip or a small tool. Hold it down for a few seconds, and the power bank should reset. 

Contact the Manufacturer 

If you have tried all the above solutions and your power bank is still not charging properly, then it may be a hardware issue. Contact the manufacturer or the vendor from whom you purchased the power bank and explain the issue. They may provide you with a replacement or repair the power bank. 


A power bank that is not charging properly can be a frustrating experience, especially when you need it the most. However, before you throw it away, try these simple troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue. Remember to check the USB cable, power bank's capacity, ports, temperature, compatibility, charging source, dust and debris, LED indicators, and battery health. If all else fails, reset or reboot the power bank, or contact the manufacturer for further assistance. 


  • How do I know if my power bank is charging? 
Most power banks have LED indicators that show the charging status. Check the LED indicators to see if they are working correctly.
  • Can a power bank charge a laptop? 
Yes, some power banks are capable of charging laptops. Check the power bank's specifications to see if it is compatible with your laptop.
  • Can I charge my phone while charging the power bank? 
Yes, most power banks allow you to charge your phone while charging the power bank. Check the power bank's specifications to ensure that it supports pass-through charging.
  • Can I charge multiple devices at once with a power bank? 
Yes, some power banks are designed to charge multiple devices simultaneously. Check the power bank's specifications to see if it supports this feature.
  • How long does it take to charge a power bank? 

The time it takes to charge a power bank depends on its capacity and the charging source. Check the power bank's specifications for an estimate of the charging time.

Power bankPowerbank

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